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November 2011
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Wednesday, 14 December 2011
With the MLEP Trip & Bandfest over, it feels as if there's nothing more left to look forward to. I mean, those were the two biggest events i was looking forward to at the end of the year, and now they're over.
Dont get me wrong, it's just that these events totally made my year. After this horrid year i've faced. Well, nothing left but to rewind time and talk about my experiences during the two big events right? So here goes. MLEP TRIP <3 So here's the thing. Through this experience, ive benefited alot. Without this trip, i would never have met such a lovely bunch of people. Yes, i may be talking about the Indonesian people, but here im referring to my KK11. Spending 10days straight 24/7 (yes, literally 24/7) with the same people, im still not sick of them. In any case, I wanna spend more time with them if i can. I love my KK11. <3 Haha spare me, thats definitely not the only thing I've learnt through this trip. I've also learnt that Indonesia, though such a creepy country with many stories it may have, is still a lovely place. The students there are just the same with us here in Singapore, though more playful though. Gotta learn to control their hormones a little bit. So, i've learnt many new words & phrases, and finally managed to recite their version of the alphabet. It's not that hard afterall. Their Primary School is called SD, Secondary = SMP, Poly = SMK & JC = SMA. Cool right. But their secondary school is only 3 years, hence we're older than them. They're really nice people, though. But it was really hard to communicate with them at first, but they kinda opened up later in the day. The hotels we stayed in, hmm. Let's just say, we had many stories to tell after that. I shall not touch upon it. Hurhur. Stalkers + Spiritual stuff happening are definitely not we had in mind. Food was, basically rice + laukpauk + soup + crackers for breakfast, lunch & dinner. Not bad actually. Minus those easily digestible dietary fibre-ish foods we had to gobble up & end up rushing to the toilet every few hours. Oh and yeah, my Kumpulan 1, we were in Seni Teater for the SMKN performance. Not really much, just dialogue & everything. But still, a great experience though. Other than that, the best part of this trip, & what i looked forward to every night, was lepak sessions with KK11. We never fail to lepak every night, not forgetting our late night snacks with charades/KNiTE/murderer. & that night where all 11 of us slept in one room. God knows how we managed to squeeze 5 girls in two beds, but hey. Aches in the morning was worth it. Not forgetting my IJC roommate, Nana. & since we're the only TPJ-IJ roomies, i was so lucky that we instantly cliqued + that she was willing to lepak with KK11 & loved it! So yup, basically the trip was fun, but with KK11 +2, it was unforgettable. There's still so many things to say, like how we stepped into bullshit(yes, literally bullshit) & played in the mud at the Sawah Padi, getting our hands dirty playing with clay making pottery, doing batik paintings, going to schools & making new friends, and finally, the unsatisfactory shopping~ Hahaha. Well, this is one experience I'll never ever forget in my entire life. BANDFEST 2011 <3 Another amazing band experience over, and i never thought bandfest would be this much fun. Before it even started, so many questions were running through my head. 'Omg, there'll be people from all the good schools, will they even be friendly?' 'Gah, travelling to NIE by ourselves everyday? Waking up early to do so? Oh the shit we do for band.' But hey, i dont regret a single minute of it. It was such a crazily unforgettable experience. Being the SL for the flute section & also the shortest in the section is no joke. Forced to play the piccolo when i really didn't want to, but hey. Worth it. & i swear, with the distance we had to travel in the MRT in the four days, i've never felt closer to my TPJCSW members. Well, i can say we made alot of noise in the MRT till some Filipino woman scolded us. Heh, this is the amount of fucks we gave to her >> 0. Yup, we played murderer & charades in the 'tunnel' of the MRT and it made our 45mins journey feel like just 5mins. Honestly, who would've known Khalis's and ShaoXuan's personality if you didn't talk to them? Haha. Seeing people break out of their shell? Honoured. Other than that? The friends I've made from other schools. Wow, are they friendly. Well, most of them at least. My sections consisting of people from ACJC, NJC, IJC, SAJC & JJC. I'd never thought we'd clique, but on the first day itself, we already did. We were already being the most enthu & noisiest section in the band. Hehe :) So yup, the next four days were really slow, just basically practices straight the whole day. The last & final day was the most memorable one. CONCERT DAY. In addition to my lovely KK11 coming down to support me, the camwhoring sessions were class. The performance didn't matter much after we were all high backstage. Literally, the whole Holst band was high backstage camwhoring & laughing like there's no tomorrow. And my section? we just took a corner all to ourselves & made mad poses. With the help of Ezzul, our concert master's photography skillls of course. But throughout the whole thing, the friends I've made, and the bond between the TPJCSW members will never be broken. I've sincerely felt that having put in the Holst band was definitely an honour to me. But also, friends I've made from other bands, you're great too :) So well, thats it. KK11, Holst band, I salute you guys. For making my holidays a most desirable one. <3 What's left to look forward to now is the Bandung trip with the family, and the new year, to a new school year. |