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Sunday, 4 December 2011
Kool Kidzxzx 11
Hiies, today i wanna make a special dedication to my favouritest group of people of all arhs, KK11! <3
Sumpah kentalness overload. But you guys are so kental & so kool you make me melt everytime i think of you. So. All the boys, And the girls, We got it going on, When the beat kicks in, you'll feel it in your bones. hello tenofyou. i smile everytime i think about how merepek we are as a group. Seriously, who in the right mind or age would storytell, play murderer, charades or sing stupidly in front of everyone? Most normal people would just gather in one room & lepak the whole night, watching tv and sing to songs. No, not us. We unique like that yo. Our lepak got class. & if people dont like that, screw them bitches. & also, our inside jokes are the best i swear. and so hopefully it doesnt go outside (HAHAH PUNNY. k no) Okay so that's beside the point, but like you guys are honestly one of the bloodyawebloodysomebloodyest bunch of people I’ve ever had the cowoverthemoonrabbit’sfoot-luck of spending the Kem Sastera & MLEP Penyerapan Trip with. Whoever thought we'd be this close & i can't stand thinking of a day not being able to spend time with you guys.Though we bully, insult, trip(in fahmi's case), shout and raise each other's boiling points to a minimum of 100'C, you know we love each other. Partying all day & night bruh. Thats our slogan :) I hope we still stay as close as ever next year even though there are no more trips and that our conversations don’t disintegrate into touch and go hi’s and byes. Dont mind me for being too sentimental, im just expressing my love for you guys (hahaha joke) K time for the individual comments about how much i WANI BUNNY!~ HI WANI! You so cute likka bunnnyyyyy. Okay i bet you've been told that a million times but hey. First time here. hahahaha. Okay so my first impression of you was this petite, quiet looking girl with a really good nature. And guess what? I WAS RIGHT. We totally need more Wanis in the world and you know that. (can you multiply yourself please? hahaha) Nahhhh i just wish more people would be as patient as you. Thanks for just being in this world (hahah omg cheesy) and continue being the cute, hardworking & good person you are! <3 ALFY AMOS!~ Hello mamat! hahaha okay you can't deny that you look likka mat. but yay you're nice! Dont be insulted with us saying you look likka hyena with your HAAK HAAKK HAAKKK laughter yeah coz that's just the unique you! First impression? Those typical mat lepak bawah blok isap rokok. HAHAHA BUT WRONG. Thank God you dont smoke, anymore. Hekhek. You're hardworking la bro, continue at it yeah. & dont be so depressed you're changing classes next year ya. You still have Boobi with his dancing tongue & wooo-ing. Your singing to Isabella will bring you to far places, bruh. Stay charming & crazy yeah :D DANNY BOIsachok!~ eh hello mat blur. i still remember you saying last year that we might end up being classmates in JC & guess what? WE DID! (for this year at least). Heh. Thank you for being so INNOCENT and tolerating each and everybody's nonsense kacauing you and everything. Seriously sia, i salute that. Tapi cheywahh someone dah maju ah? Likka mat already ah now. Haha but nvm la bro its good. Continue striving far & achieving your dreams yeah. & dont be an awkward turtle ah lolll. sick and tired of hearing people say you're a quiet guy & what not. Seriously? Every one of us know you're not ah please. you have good social skills so make use of it! ;D SAKINA THE MINAH!~ hi budak-suka-cari-pasal-ngan-aku-eventhough-aku-budak-kental. HAHAHA. MUMMEHHHH ISABELLA!<3 Suka eh kacau budak2 kecik Munchkin macam aku pasal rokok tsk. Hahaha. but i understand. you're just the minah you areeeee. HAHA k lah enough kidding around. you're a very nice mummy la & i think you have the potential to be a real good mum in real too. (chey someone dah plan kan?) tapi jangan nakal2 & gian eh sakiii. hahaha honestly you've brought joy to our clique with your spasms & love of camwhoring & your touchmetouchme one more way to go~ Buat remix tau nanti!~ Heheheheh. Dont worry la baby i love you <3 Stay pretty & sexy *winkwink* NAD THE MAKCIK!~ HIIIIIIIII HAJAR. Insyallah :) hekhek NADDDDDDDDDD. You and your spasms. Aku cannot tahannn. Why you sometimes so funny & other times so emo? Like two ends of the rod sia. But seriously, i think with us around now you shouldnt even have the term 'emo' in Nadzirah Halim's dictionary. One thing i can't forget about you was the 'knock you down' incident in your tudung sia seriously look like beef sausage. HAHAHAHAHA. Actually thats only one. there's so much joy to you Nad & even IF your life's mission wasn't to annoy & irritate the shit out of me, i think i'll still be irritated heeeeehe. thanks for being a cheeky classmate who's always there for help & support! i'll definitely miss being your classmate. BUT YAY. you can't bully me as much anymore >:) dont worry i love you like a love song babyyyyyyyyyyy. <3 DAYAN!~ Ehhhh be thankful im the only person who doesnt call you this. but hey. i dont even call you DAYANA. i call you 'eh.' HAHAHAH (can so imagine you saying 'babehhh' right now) So anywaaaaay, macam lamer aku dah kenal kau eh. no? Padehal less than a year. kinda appreciate you being in band wimme ah if not i'll be likka loner forever. hahaha so even though sometimes you might be loud and annoying with your tak perluness ftw & HEK HEK HEKKKK, you know i still love you babehh. betul2 macam radio ah. kau jangan selalu low self esteem ah coz you're just bringing yourself down. have a bit more thick skinness tapi jangan ego nak mampz kalau tak aku sepak muka kau. hehehehehehe. thanks for always being there too & hours spazzing with me over shit like sterling knight & more! cayanggggg kau <3 SYAFIQ BOOBI/FATTY/IRRITATITS!~ HI BITCHHHHH. I think if your life's mission is to irritate and insult everyone around you, you've successfully done so. Wah can't tank your irrits man. hahaha you;'re tongue dancing & your wooing and your cursing. hahaha but looking at the positives, you;re definitely a JOY to everyone around you. i mean come on, free entertainment. with the incidents like you being forced to crawl and shit, how is it possible for someone to be sad around you? you're such an encouraging person (in your own way at least) and really appreciate you sharing your experiences (though some may be awkwardly disgusting) with us :D NATASYA!~ Hey doggehhh & babehhh. i know you like to talk like this so i willll. Aku tahu lah nama kau spelt as 'Natasha' but apparently MOE people didnt know that heheheheeheh. okay so you're my NEW FRIEND ah konon~ first impression? KAU NYE MATA SERAM SIA. Besar lagi tak nak? hehe & babehhhh didnt know you were so slow, slower than meeee. Hahahaha kau blur nak mampz ah kadang2 but nvm, finally i get someone to bully instead of kena bully. but dont be so easily bullied please haha. Nice doggie :D hahahaha but you're a nice babehhhhhh & its great getting to know you! <3 FAHMS aka FAHMEHHHHH!~ eh hi bruddderrrrr. kau sumpah the most annoying but easily tolerable person ive ever met. but if you didnt know this yet you really bring the K in the KOOLKIDZXZ ah. hahaha sometimes i dont understand why you like to irritate me so much with your 'ehh?' & 'like, okaaay ah' and many other retarded stuff you do. especially TRIPPING people. Tak cool bro, tak cool. aku jatuh kat tangga cam mane? Hahaha. your music taste has always been quite smiliar to mine ah so SPAZZZZZZ over Britney! So anyway, it's been a joy getting to know you & you dont know how relieved i am to find out we may be classmates next year. (i mean this in a really good way). kalau tak confirm aku awkward turtle sia serious. though it may feel like a tough time you're going through we'll go through this tgth k! (chey step feeling counsellor but sukahati aku ah) Work hard together ah! :D you're a really caring person and i think you obviously know that. stay that way k! people need you :D KAK MIRAHbella!~ EH HELLO BRO. budak vulgar ngan her gangsterzxzx attitude. Piii dah. HAHAHA kidding bro. (in fear of being hit agaisnt the wall) You know i love you. And one thing i especially know about you, you're not and never will be a fake person. & what i learnt from you is, speak the truth no matter how much it hurts, coz it'll never hurt as much as when you find out people have been saying bad things about you. CHEH MIRAH WISE SEH. So anyway, you know you're awesome in your way (dont need me to tell you that). You're smart & knowledgeable that i admire you for your outgoing nature. how to be so brave ah? And dont always say your studies like maths are bad and everything coz it's definitely not. HAHAHA & get over the paranoia of yours ahhhh. tak suka ah asyik paranoid jeeee. (imagining myself speaking in makcik voice & you will ask me to shut up) haha. i know you'll miss me alotlotlot not being your classmate & organiser anymore but NEVERMIND YOU'LL FINDDD, SOMEONE LIKE MEEEEEEE!~ (better not ah) LOVE YOU BABY <3 HAHAHAHA k wowzah that took me two hours to type. susahlah hidup macam gini. but heck, i'll do anything for my favourite bunch of people <3<3<3 cheers. Munchkin xoxo |